Title: „Neger u. Negerin v. Bahia. Negerin v. Rio - Negre et Negresse de Bahia. Negresse de Rio“
Two women, one with her child strapped to her back and a basquet with fruit balancing on her head, talking to a fisherman to buy some fresh caught fish.C
Coloured lithography by J.J. Honegger, designed by Fuchs, from „ „Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Menschen…“ by Heinrich Rudolf Schinz, Zurich, Honegger, 1840/1845.
Sheet size: 35,2 cm x 25 cm
Beautiful lithography with vibrant colours, some minor stains at the bottom right corner, altogether in very good condition.
A pasticcio of two copied and merged scenes from Johann Moritz Rugendas' Brazil work.
€ 250,-