World Map with the voyages of Le Maire, Schouten and Spilbergen
"Nova Totius Orbis Terrarum Descriptio."
Map of the World on an oval projection and with the voyages round the world of Jacob Le Maire (together with Willem Schouten, 1615-17) and Joris van Spilbergen (1614-17). An additional detailed map shows the discoveries of Le Maire along the northern coast of Papua New Guinean on his way to the Spice Islands (Molucca Islands).
Copper engraving after Joris van Spilbergen, edited (and probably also engraved) by Nicolaes van Geelkercken, Leiden 1619. Rare first edition.
Print size: 31,5 x 45 cm
€ 5.800,-
Rare historical document. One of the first maps, which shows the circumnavigation of South America (around Kap Hoorn) through the Strait of Le Maire ('Fretum le Maire'), which had been discovered just a few years before. The map documents as well the discovery of New Ireland and of the Schouten Islands northeast and north of Papua New Guinea.
Ref.: Shirley, The Mapping of the World, London 1983.