Hydrographical World Map
„Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani, Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Ignivomos in Universo Orbe Indicans, Notat Haec Fig. Abyssos Montes Vulcanios.“
The map illustrates the ocean currents and active terrestrial and submerged volcanoes. This is one of the earliest maps, which shows the transport of water in the oceans.
Copper engraving by Anthanasius Kircher (German Jesuit and scholar, 1602 – 1680), Jan Jansson & E. Weyerstaaet, Amsterdam, 1665.
Size: 34 cm x 55,5 cm
Very fine condition, center fold, altogether perfect condition
Cp. Shirley, Mapping o the World, Entry 436, Plate 322
€ 1.250,-