Map of the Rhine River, with views and town plans
„Der Rhein Strohm von Basel bis an die Niederländer samt denen der daranliegenden fürnehmsten Stätte u. Vestungen“
Large map of the River Rhine from Basle to the Netherlands, surrounded by views and plans of the most important towns and fortresses of the area.
The following towns and fortresses are shown in the views and plans, clockwise from the upper left corner: Breisach, Straßburg, Philippsburg, Frankfurt, Speyer, Heidelberg, Mainz, Trier, Koblenz, Hermannstein, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Niederwesel, Arnheim, Schenkenschanz, Emmerich, Nimwegen, Cologne, Kaiserwerth, Bacharach, Worms, Mannheim, Pfalz, Bingen, Andernach und Frankenthal.
Copper engraving printed from two plates, without a cartographer, engraver or publisher given, Germany 17th century, 38 x 93,5 cm.
Nice strong impression and very good condition, several times folded as usual.