"America sive India Nova, ad magnae Gerardi Mercatoris avi Universalis imitationem in compendium redacta. Per Michaelem Mercatorem Duysburgensem."
Map of the western hemisphere, after Gerhard Mercator's world map of 1569. With North and South America, 'Terra Australis' and 'Nova Guinea'. Three round inset maps (Haiti, Cuba, and the Gulf of Mexico) and a title cartouche at the corners. Maps are surrounded by ornamental leaves and tendrils.
Coloured copper engraving by Michael Mercator after Gerhard Mercator, published by Rumold Mercator, Duisburg 1595, 37,6 x 46,6 cm.
Very good impression, nice and skilfully worked out colouring. Lower left and right corners replaced not affecting the map itself, otherwise good condition.
Ref.: Burden 87; Koeman Vol. II, Me 12
Rare first edition from the Mercator-Atlas published in 1595.