"Ultima etas mundi"
The Last Judgment
This woodcut from the Nuremberg Chronicle depicts the Last Judgment. Jesus Christ as judge and saviour of the mortal souls, a sword and a lily flower at the sides of his head, the earth to his feet and next to him the praying Holy Mary and St. John. At the bottom left Saint Peter watching the souls waiting at heaven's gate, and to the right the devil pulling souls into hell.
Coloured woodcut with text in Latin, sheet CCLXV, from the first Latin edition of the Nuremberg Chronicle. Woodcuts by Michael Wohlgemut and Wilhelm Pleyenwurff. Edotor Hartmann Schedel, published by Anton Koberger, Nuremberg 1493.
Sheet size: 42 x 29 cm
Strong impression, in the bottom margin a professionally restored part, altogether very good condition.