Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858)
Three ladies enjoying the ferry ride across the Tamagawa River between Rokugô and Kawasaki.
Title: Kawasaki
Series: Gojûsan tsugi (53 stations), the so-called "Jinbutsu (o. Jimbutsu)-Tôkaidô".
Publisher: (Murataya Ichigorô, Muraichi, Edo)
Date: 1851/52
Size: Vertical Chûban, 21,7 x 16,8 cm (image)
Very good impression, very good and fresh colours. Unbacked, with good margins, as usually a little bit narrower at left. A a little fingerstained at left margins, a little bit rubbed and soiled, small stains, some tiny binding holes along the right margin of the image, a wormhole at right margin, at upper left and lower right corner each tiny rests of tape. Overall still very good.
Here the third station within this charming and surprisingly rarely (especially in fresh colours) seen-series, which is commonly known as "Jinbutsu-Tôkaidô" (Figure Tokaido) or, after the publisher, "Muraichi-Tôkaidô". Since in this series two images were printed on one sheet of paper, many sheets do not bear any signature, censorship or publisher's marks (as here).
Cf. MFA Boston 06.1556; Honolulu Museum of Art Michener Coll. 22864; Chazen Museum of Art 1980.1036a; Norton Simon Museum P.1967.27.024ab; National Diet Library (NDL), DOI 10.11501/2541077 (the whole series).
€ 350,-