Kawase Hasui (1883-1957)
A view from the veranda of the main hall of the old Nichiren temple Myôhonji in Kamakura to the courtyard with lush pink flowering crab apple trees; behind is the large main gate of the temple complex.
Title: Kamakura Myôhonji (kaidô) – Crab apple blossom at Myôhon temple in Kamakura
Signature: Hasui
Seal: Kawase (o. Sui)
Publisher: Watanabe Shôzaburô, Tokio (seal Hotei E)
Date: Shôwa 6 (1931)
Size: Vertical Ôban, 36,2 x 23,7 cm (image)
Early impression, pre-1941. Excellent impression, colour and condition.
Hotei No. 251 (Narazaki 325). See also Virigina Museum of Fine Arts, 2006.433.
According to the title, the blooming trees are Kaidô (malus micromalus), a Japanese species of crab apple trees.