Kawase Hasui (1883-1957)
A lone figure in a black overcoat approaches a gate house of the Zôjô-ji temple in heavy snowfall.
Title: Shiba kôen no yuki (Snow at Shiba park)
Signature: Hasui
Seal: Kawase (o. Sui)
Publisher: Watanabe (circular 6-mm seal, Hotei A)
Date: Shôwa 6 (1931)
Size: Oban yoko-e, 24,22 x 36,5 cm (print size)
Fine impression and colours. Lifetime edition, ca. 1950. Two small pinholes in upper margin, as usually. As always with this print there is no date in margin (except for the very first edition). Lightly attached on the top to original presentation matting. Mint condition.
Hotei No.244 (Narazaki 319)