Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858)
The houses of Kambara, standing closely together, in a snowy landscape between steep mountains and hills under a dark sky with snowflakes. In the foreground stooping travellers.
Title: Kambara – yoru no yuki (Kambara – Night Snow) - (Station No 16)
Series: Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi (The 53 Stations of the Tôkaidô Road)
Signature: Hiroshige ga
Publisher: Hôeidô (Takenouchi Magohachi)
Date: 1833-34
Size: Oban, 22,5 x 35,3 cm (picture size)
Very nice impression of the 2nd (early) state, fresh colours. Margins a tiny bit trimmed. Lower margin under the picture neatly replaced. Vertical centrefold as often. Tiny wormholes at margins. Faintly soiled. Very good condition. Stamp of the Hanns Crzellitzer collection on lower right corner.
Ukiyo-e Taikei vol. 14, No 16 (Fig.). Link, Hiroshige - Michener Collection, Honolulu Academy of Arts 1991, Fig. I-1-R.Strange, The Colour-Prints of Hiroshige, London 1925. Stephen Addiss (Ed.), Tôkaidô. Adventures on the Road in Old Japan. Lawrence, Kansas, 1980. Roger Keyes, Hiroshige’s Tôkaidô Prints, in: Stephen Addiss (Ed.), Tôkaidô. On the Road: Pilgrimage, Travel and Culture. Lawrence, Kansas, 1982, pp 46.
From Hiroshige's first and most important Tokaido Road series.