Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858)
Staked horses browse through high green grass. In the background houses and a group of farmers and horse traders.
Title: Chiryû – shuka uma-ichi (Chiryû – Early Summer Horse Fair) (Station No 40)
Series: Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi (The 53 Stations of the Tôkaidô Road)
Signature: Hiroshige ga
Publisher: Hôeidô (Takenouchi Magohachi)
Date: 1833-34
Size: Oban, 22,8 x 34,8 cm (picture size)
Very nice impression, fresh colours. Early state. Margins just a tiny bit trimmed. Lower margin under the picture neatly replaced. Vertical centrefold as often. Faintly soiled. Very good condition. Stamp of the Hanns Crzellitzer collection on upper right corner.
Ukiyo-e Taikei vol. 14, No 40 (Fig.). Vgl. MFA Boston, Bigelow Coll., No 11.17253 (u.ö.). Strange, The Colour-Prints of Hiroshige, London 1925. Stephen Addiss (Ed.), Tôkaidô. Adventures on the Road in Old Japan. Lawrence, Kansas, 1980. Roger Keyes, Hiroshige’s Tôkaidô Prints, in: Stephen Addiss (Ed.), Tôkaidô. On the Road: Pilgrimage, Travel and Culture. Lawrence, Kansas, 1982, pp 46.
From Hiroshige's first and most important Tokaido Road series.