Slovenia - Homann - Valvasor
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Slovenia > Duchy of Carniola

"Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae Vindorum Marchiae et Istriae ex evente illustra: quondam I.B. Valvasorii concinnata et exhibita a Io. Bapt. Homanno S.C.M. Geogr. Noribergae."

Map of the former Duchy of Carniola, now the central part of Slovenia, with adjacent countries(Carinthia, Istria, Croatia). With a view of Ljubljana and an inset map of Lake Cerknica. Large decorative title cartouche with allegorical depictions and the coat of arms of the emperor.

Orig. coloured copper engraving by Johann Baptist Homann after drawings by L.B. Valvasor, Nuremberg about 1729, 48,5 x 58 cm.

Nice, strong impression, perfect condition.

€ 480,-

